Creating table from data in Clipboard



I have following data copied from an application into clipboard memory:

Name/Semester |Grade
Mario-Fall01 | 3.5
Mario-Fall02 | 3.6
Mario-Fall03 | 2.3
Mary-Fall01 | 1.5
Mary-Fall02 |4.6
Mary-Fall03 | 3.3

I want the above data in clipboard memory to be converted into a table like

Name | Semester | MaxGrade
Mario | Fall02 | 3.6
Mary | Fall02 | 4.6

Can some one help me with the necessary VB code or references to do the
above thanks.


Hi Mario,

For Office 2007, here is a good starting place... much of this applies to
the office 2003 clipboard as well.

If you want to get down and dirty with the windows system clipboard - it's
kind of gruesome but Terry Kreft's VBA is a good place to start if you want
to indulge in some hard core shell programming.

If you use Terry's code, then using your example, you could approach it
something like this - note I am assuming that your clipboard content rows
are terminated by a CR and LF combination. (vbCrLf is the built-in constant
equivilent). You would need to substitute your table for the name MYTABLE in
the DAO openrecordset This is air code and completely depends on finding
that vbCrLf; you may have to adjust the row parsing routine because I might
be one char off here or there. Particularly where I try to determine whether
a final row is in in the s string that didn't have a vbCrLf termination. I
just pasted the code from above - I may have the final row segment chopped
wrong. The code is to the point where you need to do a little live testing
to debug it further.

Sub InsertClipboard()

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Dim s As String
Dim row As String

Dim myArray(100, 2) As Variant

Dim Count As Integer
Dim rowStart As Integer
Dim rowLen As Integer
Dim start As Integer
Dim i As Integer

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("MYTABLE")

'we know the first row of data
myArray(0, 0) = "Name"
myArray(0, 1) = "Semester"
myArray(0, 2) = "MaxGrade"

Count = 1
s = Trim(ClipBoard_GetText())
start = InStr(s, vbCrLf) + 1
rowStart = start

For i = start To Len(s)
If Mid(s, i, 2) = vbCrLf Then
rowLen = i - rowStart
row = Mid(s, rowStart + 1, rowLen)
'parse the text in row in to the myArray elements
myArray(Count, 0) = Trim(Left(row, InStr(row, "-") - 1))
myArray(Count, 1) = Trim(Mid(row, InStr(row, "-") + 1,
InStr(row, "|") - (InStr(row, "-") + 1)))
myArray(Count, 2) = Trim(Mid(row, (InStr(row, "|") + 1),
rowLen - (InStr(row, "|") + 1)))
Count = Count + 1
rowStart = i + 1
End If
Next i

'checking for a last row without vbCrLf
If (rowStart + 5) < i Then
myArray(Count, 0) = Trim(Left(row, InStr(row, "-") - 1))
myArray(Count, 1) = Trim(Mid(row, InStr(row, "-") + 1, InStr(row,
"|") - (InStr(row, "-") + 1)))
myArray(Count, 2) = Trim(Mid(row, (InStr(row, "|") + 1), rowLen -
(InStr(row, "|") + 1)))
Count = Count - 1
End If

For i = 1 To Count
With rs
.Fields(0) = myArray(i, 0)
.Fields(1) = myArray(i, 1)
.Fields(2) = myArray(i, 2)
End With
Next i
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

Hope this helps,

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