Creating Table to record query results




I have a customer table and a transaction table. Once a
week we are sending out 2 different letters using 2
different Access Reports that is based on two different
queries. There are certain conditions that triger these
letters. I am using a date restrictor that captures
certain transaction for a given week. The problem is
that since the query results change every week, I have
not been capturing who has and had not been sent a
letter. Is there a way to create a Letters table that
will store the result of my two queries?



Nikos Yannacopoulos


Make a table that has the same fields as your query (or
just those that you need out of them). Then copy your
query to a new one, and make the new one an append query,
that will append the resulting records to the table.
Having done this, all you have to do is make sure you run
both queries every time (setting up a macro or writing
some siple code to run both will do it).




Thanks for your help. Whenever, I do the query for a
mailing, the main fields that I want to add to the table
is Name and the Date the letter was sent. What I want to
do is to create a master mail table that will have all of
our customers in it and then append it based on name. I
don't need the name to continue to be added. I simply
need a field for every week into the forseable future
that will have some kind of value in the field if we sent
them the letter. It would look something like this.

Name Week1 Week2 Week3 ......
Joe Smith Yes Yes
Bill Jones Yes
Fred Flintstone Yes Yes
Betty Rubble Yes

When week for came about and we were sending letters to
Joe Smith and Betty Rubble, a Yes would be added to week4.

Any thoughts?



Nikos Yannacopoulos


In that case, first make sure you have all your customer
base in that table.
Then, your new query should be an update query rather than
an append one. To make that query, use the table and the
original query joined on field Customer, destination field
WeekX, update value Yes. You'll just have to go to the
query design and change the destination field for the week
manually every week... although there are several more or
less complicated ways to automate this if you're prepared
to take the trouble.


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