Anton - one of the primary purposes of Project is to *calculate* task
schedule dates and it is not intended to just passively display dates that
you have determined through some other method. So in a sense, ALL the start
and end dates for the individual tasks are To Be Determined when you first
input the task information (name, duration estimate, links to other tasks).
Then Project does its thing, calculates the dates on which the tasks will be
able to take place what comes before, what sequence things need to be done,
how long individual tasks will take, and the availability of the resources
you have at your disposal to get them done, and displays that information
for you in the Gantt chart etc. As such, *none* of the task dates in your
Excel worksheet should be input into Project - there should be no dates
imported OR any annotation "TBD" either - just blank cells. Project will
then calculate the dates it determines you can have the tasks take place.
Think of it as a reality check on the first rough "wishful thinking" dates
you put into Excel.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs
Anton said:
Thanks for the note. But if you saw my original post the problem is that
the plan is scheduled for 2 years and all tasks are identified but the LOE's
are not. So in the project plan I need to put a "TBD"
Thanks for any additional help.
linked all the appropriate cells and in some future tasks within excel we
have unidentified dates as TBD. How can I indicate the TBD dates in MSP? I
can not link the two because Project does not recognize non numeric entries
in the date fields.