Creating word doc in .NET code


Tony Hedge

Helo all,

I need to create a word document in VB.NET completely programatically. I
have made references in my project to the proper Office/Word libraries and
DLLs, but I am having difficulty creating certain word components in code.

Of course it would help if the Word components were .NET components...

The code samples and documentation provided are woefully inadequate, does
anyone know of a resource that provides a complete and detailed explanation
(with code samples) of every method of every object in all Word components?

Thanks - Hedge

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?VG9ueSBIZWRnZQ==?=,
I need to create a word document in VB.NET completely programatically. I
have made references in my project to the proper Office/Word libraries and
DLLs, but I am having difficulty creating certain word components in code.

Of course it would help if the Word components were .NET components...

The code samples and documentation provided are woefully inadequate, does
anyone know of a resource that provides a complete and detailed explanation
(with code samples) of every method of every object in all Word components?
Not in ".NET-speak", no. The Word object model's HELP does have fairly
complete documentation of all the methods, properties and objects. And these
translate pretty much one-to-one once you have the automation setup.

What kinds of things are you having difficulties with?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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