Credits Within a box



The Credits effect normally scrolls text up the slide to the top. However, I
have two modifictions I'd like to make:
a)I want to restrict the scroll to the top of the text box in which the text
b)Have the credits loop (slowly enough to read) so that the
"head" immediately follows the "tail", so to speak. In other words, I'd like
to make it look like those meeting listings you see in hotel lobbies.



Not sure if I completely understand your desire, but I
think your wanting the text to appear higher in the slide
(in the text box) than how the "Credits" animation works -
- which enters from the bottom of the slide.

I suggest using the Entrance "Peek in" and Exit "Peek
out." Time the peek out to be "After Previous" without a

Sandy Johnson
Remember, it's all in the Presentation


Thanks for the reply and the tips. Let me see if I can explain my situation
more succiently and clearly:

I have a single-slide presentation showing meetings, times and rooms. THis
will run continuously all day long. The slide has a title area at the top,
with a bullet list in the middle of the slide, of a specific size. I want the
text scroll up, completely within the bullet list placeholder. I don't want
it to scroll up across the top of the slide, as is the default with the
credits effect. I want to create a running scroll like you sometimes see on
monitors in hotel lobbies showing current events.

What I've tried so far is to create a large unbordered text box across the
top of the slide that contains the title and other images. With the credits
effect and the text in front, the text scrolls up and behind the title,
effectively disappearing. But this is not completely satisfying, as there is
a long time gap until it starts up again.

I've also tried using a crawl effect, which is nicer insofar as it goes more
slowly, but it cannot handle long lists that are typed below the textbox,
like Credits does.



I've tried something similar that you might want to take a look at. I created
an image in Photoshop with a transparent window in it. Then I put a very long
text box on the slide and moved it off the slide and above it. Gave it a white
fill and sent it to the back. I applied a very slow crawl effect to it and then
put the image on top. Then I created a white title box with Word Art and sent
it to back. It's probably just easier for you to see it and play with it. You
can download the 52 KB file at

Sonia Coleman
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP Team
Autorun Software, Templates and Tutorials

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