thanks for the quick reply. it's right on target. i didn't
phrase the question correctly however.
what i want to do is use a series of combo boxes to allow
the user to refine the criteria for the query which will
generate the report.
the structure is this; region, district, center,
the selection of region would restrict what districts
would be shown in the district combo box. the selection of
district would restrict what centers would be available in
the center combo box, ect.
the idea is that the user would be able to select 1, some,
or all of the criteria and generate a report.
i see the criteria for succeeding fields in the query
changing based on the selections of the user. But if there
is no selection for a field, ie the user chose to run the
report without selecting criteria for all fields, the
report would still run based on what was selected.
again, thanks