Michel Peeters
I have a crosstabreport "rptWeek" which shows the weekly sales and from
which the fiels are looking more or less as follows:
Group By - Row Heading:
Group by - Column Heading:
Expr1: "W" & DateDiff("ww";[SalesDate];Forms!fdlgRptWeek!txtBeginSalesDate)
Expression - Value
The Value: Sum([Salesvalue])
Between [Forms]![fdlgRptWeek]![EindSalesDate] And
The user enters the criteria (customerId, ProductId etc...) in the dialog
form fdlgRptWeek.
Then I open the report with Docmd.Openreport....strWhere.
strWhere specifies the Where condition
Everything works.
For some reasons I want also "[SalesDate] Between
[Forms]![fdlgRptWeek]![EindSalesDate] And
[Forms]![fdlgRptWeek]![BeginSalesDate]" in the Where condition instead off
in the query raster from the report.
If I put [SalesDate] in the queryraster as Group by - Columnheading - this
will not work because then my report has a seperate line for every day.
If I put [SalesDate] - Where - in the query raster [SalesDate] will not be a
field in the report and will not be accepted as criteria.
How can I solve this?
tks - Michel
which the fiels are looking more or less as follows:
Group By - Row Heading:
Group by - Column Heading:
Expr1: "W" & DateDiff("ww";[SalesDate];Forms!fdlgRptWeek!txtBeginSalesDate)
Expression - Value
The Value: Sum([Salesvalue])
Between [Forms]![fdlgRptWeek]![EindSalesDate] And
The user enters the criteria (customerId, ProductId etc...) in the dialog
form fdlgRptWeek.
Then I open the report with Docmd.Openreport....strWhere.
strWhere specifies the Where condition
Everything works.
For some reasons I want also "[SalesDate] Between
[Forms]![fdlgRptWeek]![EindSalesDate] And
[Forms]![fdlgRptWeek]![BeginSalesDate]" in the Where condition instead off
in the query raster from the report.
If I put [SalesDate] in the queryraster as Group by - Columnheading - this
will not work because then my report has a seperate line for every day.
If I put [SalesDate] - Where - in the query raster [SalesDate] will not be a
field in the report and will not be accepted as criteria.
How can I solve this?
tks - Michel