I have a query with a critera for Order number as
[forms]![frmInvoiceNumber]![ordernumber] Or
The reason why i need this criteria is that it all depends which form i
am on and which ones i want to run the queriy from
When i run this query from frmAllInvoices it brings up a message box
asking me to enter the order number. if i just click ok it then
displayes the correct information as its uses the second part of the
criterai [forms]![frmAllInvoices]![ordernumber]
If there a way to stop it bringing up the message for me to enter the
first critera. I was expecting as i had the OR between it it would only
neeed one bit of data
[forms]![frmInvoiceNumber]![ordernumber] Or
The reason why i need this criteria is that it all depends which form i
am on and which ones i want to run the queriy from
When i run this query from frmAllInvoices it brings up a message box
asking me to enter the order number. if i just click ok it then
displayes the correct information as its uses the second part of the
criterai [forms]![frmAllInvoices]![ordernumber]
If there a way to stop it bringing up the message for me to enter the
first critera. I was expecting as i had the OR between it it would only
neeed one bit of data