I've created a database in Access and I have a table with PatientID, e,g
001. I also have a field called DiabetesComplications. This is text and
includes illnesses and diseases which the patient may have. For example, I
may have entered in this field:
Retinopathy? Neuropathy? Ischaemic heart disease, Hypothyroid following
radio-iodine treatment, Dyslipidaemia.
My problem is that I want to bring up a list of all patient with Ischaemic
heart disease. So in my query I add the fields PatientID and
DiabetesComplications. In the criteria I put "Ischaemic heart disease". When
I run the query, no patients at all are listed. I tried the query with just
"heart" in the criteria but still to no avail!
Can anyone tell me where i'm going wrong?
many thanks.
I've created a database in Access and I have a table with PatientID, e,g
001. I also have a field called DiabetesComplications. This is text and
includes illnesses and diseases which the patient may have. For example, I
may have entered in this field:
Retinopathy? Neuropathy? Ischaemic heart disease, Hypothyroid following
radio-iodine treatment, Dyslipidaemia.
My problem is that I want to bring up a list of all patient with Ischaemic
heart disease. So in my query I add the fields PatientID and
DiabetesComplications. In the criteria I put "Ischaemic heart disease". When
I run the query, no patients at all are listed. I tried the query with just
"heart" in the criteria but still to no avail!
Can anyone tell me where i'm going wrong?
many thanks.