Criteria = Like "*this*" With Prompted Entry



Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, but I couldn't figure out a search
phrase that gave me an answer.

The database has a field containing strings.

I want to create a query using> LIKE "*this*" <where "this" is a prompted
input from a user to do a sub-string search. Example, search the
string-field for the sub-string "bow".

Running the query would prompt the user to [Enter search string] and "this"
would become what they want to query.

I cannot figure out how to get the prompt to work.

(Comment: Lotus is much easier to use, especially something like this)

Michel Walsh


If * is the wildcard (can be % too), try

LIKE "*" & [prompt to the user:] & "*"

as criteria.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Chris Burnette

For the most part, this is fairly simple, the only thing that is tricky are
the asterisks. If you simple put 'Like [Enter search string]' (without the
single quotes) in your query criteria, it will work. The only caveat is that
then the user has to enter the asterisks if he wants to do a wildcard search.

If the asterisks are really crucial, then you'll probably need to put your
query into VB and assign your "This" value to a text string. Then, you could
probably pull it off using something like:

'WHERE [MyTable].[MyField] Like [MyTable].["* & This & *"]'.

Hope that helps.



Michel Walsh said:

If * is the wildcard (can be % too), try

No. The "*" in LIKE "*this*" = contains characters "this"

Example: LIKE "*cat*" would return records with the characters "cat" in the
field, it would return a record with "MajorWeponCatclaw" in the field.

LIKE "*" & [prompt to the user:] & "*"

as criteria.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Tecknomage said:
Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, but I couldn't figure out a search
phrase that gave me an answer.

The database has a field containing strings.

I want to create a query using> LIKE "*this*" <where "this" is a
input from a user to do a sub-string search. Example, search the
string-field for the sub-string "bow".

Running the query would prompt the user to [Enter search string] and
would become what they want to query.

I cannot figure out how to get the prompt to work.

(Comment: Lotus is much easier to use, especially something like this)

Michel Walsh



LIKE "*" & [prompt to the user:] & "*"

if the end user type


at the prompt, then a record with "MajorWeaponCatClaw" WILL be selected,
indeed. You have tried it? That is not what you want?

Vanderghast, Access MVP

Tecknomage said:
Michel Walsh said:

If * is the wildcard (can be % too), try

No. The "*" in LIKE "*this*" = contains characters "this"

Example: LIKE "*cat*" would return records with the characters "cat" in
field, it would return a record with "MajorWeponCatclaw" in the field.

LIKE "*" & [prompt to the user:] & "*"

as criteria.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Tecknomage said:
Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, but I couldn't figure out a search
phrase that gave me an answer.

The database has a field containing strings.

I want to create a query using> LIKE "*this*" <where "this" is a
input from a user to do a sub-string search. Example, search the
string-field for the sub-string "bow".

Running the query would prompt the user to [Enter search string] and
would become what they want to query.

I cannot figure out how to get the prompt to work.

(Comment: Lotus is much easier to use, especially something like this)

Tom Ellison

Dear Teck:

Likely, you are wanting to select "words" delimited by spaces. Is that the

How about:

WHERE " " & [YourColumnName] & " " LIKE "* " & [Enter search string: ] & "

If you want to find ",this" you're going to have some work to do. Are there
delimiters other than space?

Tom Ellison

Tecknomage said:
Michel Walsh said:

If * is the wildcard (can be % too), try

No. The "*" in LIKE "*this*" = contains characters "this"

Example: LIKE "*cat*" would return records with the characters "cat" in
field, it would return a record with "MajorWeponCatclaw" in the field.

LIKE "*" & [prompt to the user:] & "*"

as criteria.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Tecknomage said:
Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, but I couldn't figure out a search
phrase that gave me an answer.

The database has a field containing strings.

I want to create a query using> LIKE "*this*" <where "this" is a
input from a user to do a sub-string search. Example, search the
string-field for the sub-string "bow".

Running the query would prompt the user to [Enter search string] and
would become what they want to query.

I cannot figure out how to get the prompt to work.

(Comment: Lotus is much easier to use, especially something like this)

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