Criteria on a field, but also pull other data



I've created a query with criteria to find all records attached to a specific
item number. I also want the query to pull all item numbers. For example:

Item # field has criteria for Item 1234

The query pulls up all Model #s (say 100) that are under Item 1234

I also want to pull in the individual Item #s for each of the 100 model
numbers, but I'm only getting Item # 1234, because it's in the criteria.


Sorry, Abby, I'm having a little trouble getting my head around this one. If
you are filtering a query for a specific item number, why do you want them
all? If you want all the item numbers, why use a filtering criteria?

Your last two statements are contridictory. Either item is one to many
models, or model is one to many items. Which is it?

Can you explain a bit more clearly what it is you are trying to accomplish?


I have product that is shared among different models. I want to find out
what models a particular item is on. So I added criteria to pull all models
for 1 item number. Each model has it's own item number attached to it, and I
need that info as well, but can't pull it because of the criteria. I want
the results to look like this:

Item# - Model - Item # for Model
1234 - Model A - 1111
1234 - Model B - 2222
1234 - Model C - 3333

Hope this explains it a little better


I got it now. So how do you know that a specific item is related to more
than one model? What fields are you using?


That info comes from my table (there is an item # record for each model).
I'm not linking to other tables, all the info I need is on 1 table.


Okay, but what I am not understanding yet, if each record in the table has a
field for [ITEM] and a field for [MODEL], how do you associate multiple
models with one item?


Never mind. I'm trying to simplify the explanation, and it's not working.
I'll figure something out. Thanks for trying!

Klatuu said:
Okay, but what I am not understanding yet, if each record in the table has a
field for [ITEM] and a field for [MODEL], how do you associate multiple
models with one item?

Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

ABBY1212 said:
That info comes from my table (there is an item # record for each model).
I'm not linking to other tables, all the info I need is on 1 table.

Jeff Boyce

Before you wander too far off from the newsgroup, Klatuu is asking questions
that you will need to be able to answer, at least for yourself, if you are
to be successful in your query.

Queries are based on data, which, in Access, lives in tables. Consider
posting the structure of the table you are using, as well as an example in
real data, to help clarify what you are trying to do.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

ABBY1212 said:
Never mind. I'm trying to simplify the explanation, and it's not working.
I'll figure something out. Thanks for trying!

Klatuu said:
Okay, but what I am not understanding yet, if each record in the table
has a
field for [ITEM] and a field for [MODEL], how do you associate multiple
models with one item?

Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

ABBY1212 said:
That info comes from my table (there is an item # record for each
I'm not linking to other tables, all the info I need is on 1 table.


I got it now. So how do you know that a specific item is related to
than one model? What fields are you using?

Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP


I have product that is shared among different models. I want to
find out
what models a particular item is on. So I added criteria to pull
all models
for 1 item number. Each model has it's own item number attached to
it, and I
need that info as well, but can't pull it because of the criteria.
I want
the results to look like this:

Item# - Model - Item # for Model
1234 - Model A - 1111
1234 - Model B - 2222
1234 - Model C - 3333

Hope this explains it a little better


Sorry, Abby, I'm having a little trouble getting my head around
this one. If
you are filtering a query for a specific item number, why do you
want them
all? If you want all the item numbers, why use a filtering

Your last two statements are contridictory. Either item is one
to many
models, or model is one to many items. Which is it?

Can you explain a bit more clearly what it is you are trying to

Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP


I've created a query with criteria to find all records attached
to a specific
item number. I also want the query to pull all item numbers.
For example:

Item # field has criteria for Item 1234

The query pulls up all Model #s (say 100) that are under Item

I also want to pull in the individual Item #s for each of the
100 model
numbers, but I'm only getting Item # 1234, because it's in the

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