The problem that I have is that Rank is a combo box with three columns. The
visible column is the middle column which shows the rank, and the right
column is the paygrade column which shows the paygrade. I was trying to use
the .column() property in the Where statement, but I kept getting an
"Undefined function..." error. What I did do was create a new column in my
table called paygrade, and then set the "After Update" event of the "Rank"
field to Me![Paygrade] = Me![Rank].column(2), which populates the Paygrade
field (I know, causing redundant data), but there again, it's on the after
update, which means I have to go back through all my 700 records and manually
re-update. I also run into the problem of when I import records I have to
manually update every record indivdually again. Is there a way to have it
automatically populate the paygrade field so my query will work right?
Michael Gramelspacher said:
Hmm, posted twice for some reason. Anyways, If I use 'Like "CPL" OR Like
"PFC" OR Like "....(until I've inlcuded them all)', it works. If I use 'Like
"E1" OR Like "E2" Or Like "...', it doesn't work. I'm assuming that is
because the bound column of the combo box is the second column, which has the
Rank, not the Paygrade (the rank column is the one that is visible). How
would I write the criteria statment so that it would check the Paygrade
column of the combo box without having to change the bound column?
I was hoping that by providing that extra column giving the paygrade and then
using some type of statement that it would be smart enough to know that I
want all records where the associated paygrade is "E" and all 5 and below
You know what you mean by "paygrade above/below E5", but imagine you were
explaining it to someone who doesn't have your background.
Now multiply that times 10 -- Access knows even less! You'll have to give
Access some way to know what the proper sort order is.
Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
I have a combo box named Rank on my form, and it is based on a table that
lists all the ranks and has a column that has the associated paygrade
has a column width of 0" so it can't be seen). I want to create a few