critical task



Review the attachment.
Could you explain, why task 9 and 12 are critical task.
My understanding from the chart is, they do have float of 5 & 4 day

|Filename: gantt_chart.JPG

José Miguel Piñeres


Thank you for posting and welcome to this Microsoft Project Genera Questions
discussion group.

Task #12 is non-critical as it has a 3 day slack, you probably wanted to
refer to #10.

Tasks 9 and 10 are critical because they do have successors with a SS link,
which means that the successor cannot start until the predecessor has
started, Therefore if the predecessor is delayed, the successor will be
delayed as well. But also, task 10 has an SS link to 11, which in turn has a
FS link to 13 (last task of the project). This makes 9, 10, and 11 critical

I hope this helps. Please, let us know how you get along with it.

Best regards,

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