Cross/Multi-posted on purpose......



Hi All, posts are still all missing from this
newsgroup, and have been cut 'way back from the other soon
as I send one to the misc group, it shows up and then right away gets
deleted........does anyone know what is going on? this happening
to anyone else? anybody out there?

I'm intentionally sending this to .misc, .newusers, and .worksheet.functions
in an effort to try to find out what is happening here......

Any insight would be appreciated.....

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

J.E. McGimpsey

Posted and emailed.


Yes, as has been suggested in other threads, the MS Servers are
having deep problems. Their server farm consists of multiple servers
(you can tell by looking at the Path - there are a limited number of
TK2MSFTNGPxx servers), all of which are normally synchronized.
Probably because of the volume generated by the swen worm, the
servers are having trouble synch-ing, so while you may get headers
from one server, if you then try to download posts from another (and
using OE, I don't think you can control which one you reach), the
posts may not be there yet. If, in trying to straighten things out,
MS has to reset the headers, they may "disappear" entirely, which
may or may not mean that they'll be back.

MS is obviously working on the problem, but it's hitting them very

In the mean time, if you connect via another server (not msnews),
you should see your posts just fine.

Stop being paranoid, it's not just you!


I've tried using MSN's news servers,
with the same lousy results.

Do you know if they share the same servers with MS ?


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit !

Posted and emailed.


Yes, as has been suggested in other threads, the MS Servers are
having deep problems. Their server farm consists of multiple servers
(you can tell by looking at the Path - there are a limited number of
TK2MSFTNGPxx servers), all of which are normally synchronized.
Probably because of the volume generated by the swen worm, the
servers are having trouble synch-ing, so while you may get headers
from one server, if you then try to download posts from another (and
using OE, I don't think you can control which one you reach), the
posts may not be there yet. If, in trying to straighten things out,
MS has to reset the headers, they may "disappear" entirely, which
may or may not mean that they'll be back.

MS is obviously working on the problem, but it's hitting them very

In the mean time, if you connect via another server (not msnews),
you should see your posts just fine.

Stop being paranoid, it's not just you!

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