Robert said:
Hi all. I just recieved an app from a client that I am unable to get
to design view with. This is a mdb not a mde file so why am I locked
out. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
First, what you did was a multipost, not crosspost (which would have been
preferred). A crosspost sends a single message to multiple groups, allowing
everyone in all groups to see all the responses.
How do you know it's not a mde? Just because it has a mdb extension doesn't
mean it isn't a mde (the extension could have been editted).
In another database create this function and see what it returns
Function IsMDE() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim strMDE As String
Dim db As Database
Set db =
strMDE = db.Properties("MDE")
IsMDE = (Err.Number = 0 And strMDE = "T")
End Function