Cross-reference Dialog Replacement


Mark Jerde

Hi. I'm finishing up a 75+ page document in Word 2002. I have a
wonderful desktop computer for working on the document: a
three-monitor setup with a 21" monitor (1856 x 1392) in the middle of
two 19" monitors (1600 x 1200 each). I usually work with the main
window on the 21", doing the primary edits, and a 2nd window on one of
the 19" monitor open to the "Acronyms Appendix" which I'm filling in as
I go. (Multiple IE windows open for reference more than cover the rest
of the space... ;-)

I need to add a bunch of cross references but Word's "Cross-reference"
dialog box is annoying limited. First off, it's tiny and not
resizeable. It takes up less than 1/25th of the screen area of just my
21" monitor, and it displays only 9 items at a time in the scrollable
listbox. Since my document is up to 5 heading levels deep, this is a
*lot* of scrolling, clicking and wasted time to find what I'm looking
for. Second, the numbered item list isn't collapsable. It wouldn't be
quite so bad if it was (provided the expanded heirarchy is "sticky"
between calls).

Does anyone have a suggestion of a more functional cross reference add
in? I Googled before posting and have looked at this page:

- The TechTav1 Macro Suite looks useful, but I don't see
"Cross-reference replacement" in its list of features. Also, it says
nothing about Word 2002 compatibility (just Word 6 - 2000)

- I didn't find anything applicable at MS's download center.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

-- Mark

Mark Jerde

Continuing ...
- The TechTav1 Macro Suite looks useful, but I don't see
"Cross-reference replacement" in its list of features. Also, it says
nothing about Word 2002 compatibility (just Word 6 - 2000)

I downloaded and installed this, learning about "macro security" in the
process of getting it to run. This looks like it _could_ be made to do
what I need if I dug into the VBA but it isn't useful in my document
right now. Instead of displaying a list of my headings, ie

2.9.1 Technology
2.9.2 Vendor Claims
2.9.3 Certification

it shows a list of (add-in created) bookmarks like this:


I can't tell what they are without adding them.

I don't have time to play with it further, unfortunately.

-- Mark

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