Cross-reference not selectable on other users PC



I created a cross-reference type 'Datasheet' which works as expected on my
PC. However, someone else is now trying to edit my document and when they go
to insert>reference>cross-reference the Datasheet type is not an option in
the drop down menu.

Is this working as intended? Are created cross-references local to my
machine? How do I have the cross-reference included in the word file so that
it is truly multi-user editable? If my computer is replaced will I loose all
the cross-references I created? Am I then simply stuck with the default

Stefan Blom

Are you referring to caption labels? Note that these do *not* travel with
documents. Instead, you will have to ask the recipient to create the caption
label (via the Caption dialog box) on his/her machine.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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