cross reference



Greeting all,

Hope you experts can help me with following issue.

I have 2 order information spreadsheets, the first one has a column
which is our product codes, the second one is a reference which has 2
columns map our product codes to customers product codes.

Is there any easy way in Excel which can replace our product codes in
first excel file with our customer product codes in second excel file?
I know I can use Access to do that, just want find out a simple way in
Excel. Do I need to write any VB ?

Thank you very much in advance!!

Dave Peterson

It sounds like you can use a =vlookup() command:

Say your product code to cust prod code is on sheet2

then insert a helper column and do something like:

(adjust the addresses to match your data.

If it doesn't find a match, you'll see #n/a.

You can avoid that with something like:


I'd keep both columns (instead of replacing, just hide one you don't want to

But if you really want to delete your codes, you can convert your formulas to
values (copy|paste special|Values is one way) before you delete that other

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