Thank you both, Larry Randall (LRs) and Suzanne Barnhill
(SBs), for your help on 29 March 2004. Sorry it has taken
so long in responding, can only do so when a free moment
arises. First off, I have never been able to figure out
how to use captions. After LRs response, (29 March 2004),
I am now able to use Captions, and have them generate a
page number (hyperlink) in the Table of Contents (TOC).
This works if the figures/tables are in the report. (The
figure/table number and title I manually type into the
TOC.) Thank you, thank you, thank you for Captions.
My problem now is, how do you, or may be you can't, get
the figure/table number, the title and the page number to
generate into a TOC. Below is a sample of what it should
look like in the TOC:
4-1 {tab} Sampling Locations (Overview) {dot leaders flush
right} 4-1
Once more, thank you in advance for your time and help,
and my apologies for posting this note twice.
(SBs), for your help on 29 March 2004. Sorry it has taken
so long in responding, can only do so when a free moment
arises. First off, I have never been able to figure out
how to use captions. After LRs response, (29 March 2004),
I am now able to use Captions, and have them generate a
page number (hyperlink) in the Table of Contents (TOC).
This works if the figures/tables are in the report. (The
figure/table number and title I manually type into the
TOC.) Thank you, thank you, thank you for Captions.
My problem now is, how do you, or may be you can't, get
the figure/table number, the title and the page number to
generate into a TOC. Below is a sample of what it should
look like in the TOC:
4-1 {tab} Sampling Locations (Overview) {dot leaders flush
right} 4-1
Once more, thank you in advance for your time and help,
and my apologies for posting this note twice.