


I hope I can explain this clearly
I'm creating a document with an outline
1. AAA (bookmark1
2. BBB (bookmark2
3. CCC (bookmark3

After the list I have a table which I would like to contain a cross-reference to the list
needtorefAAA |
needtorefBBB |
needtorefCCC |

Now, it's a big document and a work in progress so I am occasionally having to move things around in the list (changing the order of the items). When I do this, I want the table to update

1. BB
2. AA
3. CC

needtorefAAA |
needtorefBBB |
needtorefCCC |

The problem is when I drag list item 2 to before list item 1, I am moving list item 2 INTO the hidden bookmark (reference) of list item 1. (I figured this out testing it with bookmarks instead of references so I could see what was going on). So I end up with bookmark1 encompassing list item 1 and list item 2 and bookmark2 encompassing list item 1 and then the table looks like this

needtorefAAA |
needtorefBBB |
needtorefCCC |

I can't figure out how to make the move of the item without moving it into the bookmark of the other item
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You don't need to bookmark these items manually. Numbered items are
bookmarked automatically. Use Insert | Cross-reference to Numbered item.

Kelly said:
I hope I can explain this clearly:
I'm creating a document with an outline:
1. AAA (bookmark1)
2. BBB (bookmark2)
3. CCC (bookmark3)

After the list I have a table which I would like to contain a cross-reference to the list:
needtorefAAA | 1
needtorefBBB | 2
needtorefCCC | 3

Now, it's a big document and a work in progress so I am occasionally
having to move things around in the list (changing the order of the items).
When I do this, I want the table to update:
1. BBB
2. AAA
3. CCC

needtorefAAA | 2
needtorefBBB | 1
needtorefCCC | 3

The problem is when I drag list item 2 to before list item 1, I am moving
list item 2 INTO the hidden bookmark (reference) of list item 1. (I figured
this out testing it with bookmarks instead of references so I could see what
was going on). So I end up with bookmark1 encompassing list item 1 and list
item 2 and bookmark2 encompassing list item 1 and then the table looks like
needtorefAAA | 1
needtorefBBB | 1
needtorefCCC | 3

I can't figure out how to make the move of the item without moving it into
the bookmark of the other item.

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