Cross-Tab Query Automation to Excel


Bob Barnes

I can get the recordset generated by an Access Cross-Tab Query to transfer into
Excel thru automation...but...

Can I also get a "Header" in the first row showing the "Field Names"
generated by the Cross-Tab Query?

TIA - Bob

David Lloyd


Have you tried the OutputTo method? For example:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Projects_Crosstab", acFormatXLS,
"C:\testbase.xls", True

David Lloyd

This response is supplied "as is" without any representations or warranties.

I can get the recordset generated by an Access Cross-Tab Query to transfer
Excel thru automation...but...

Can I also get a "Header" in the first row showing the "Field Names"
generated by the Cross-Tab Query?

TIA - Bob

Bob Barnes

David - Thank you.

I have 15 different Queries going to the same Worksheet in a Workbook.
I clear each Named Range (thru automation) before transferring the data into

Does this command allow "starting" at a named Range location? I thought it
just transfers that data into Cell A1 of the Worksheet??

TIA - Bob

David Lloyd


If you need to insert to a named range the OutputTo method won't work.

I don't know all of your requirements, however, another possibility is to
"pull" the data into Excel rather than "pushing" it. You can create
database queries in Excel based on Access tables or queries and insert the
data at a specified location. You can have multiple database queries on the
same worksheet. You access this feature from the Data menu, Import External
Data, New Database Query. This does bring the field names into the
worksheet along with the data.

David Lloyd

This response is supplied "as is" without any representations or warranties.

David - Thank you.

I have 15 different Queries going to the same Worksheet in a Workbook.
I clear each Named Range (thru automation) before transferring the data into

Does this command allow "starting" at a named Range location? I thought it
just transfers that data into Cell A1 of the Worksheet??

TIA - Bob

Bob Barnes

David - I'm not an Excel Wiz. I had cross-posted this to Queries...I just
added the automation code there...

I can just type the fields above the Named ranges...more on that in the
Queries Newsgroup...I have comfortable doing that.

Public Sub CopyData(strSql As String, strWorkBook As String, _
Optional strWorkSheet As String, Optional strCellRef As String, _
Optional SSS As String, Optional TTT As String, _
Optional DEF As String, Optional GHI As String)
Dim Z As Database
On Error GoTo ProcError
DoCmd.Hourglass True
Dim objXLApp As Object 'Excel.Application
Dim objXLWb As Object 'Excel.Workbook
Dim objXLSheet As Object 'Excel.Worksheet
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset, RT As DAO.Recordset
Dim AQQ As DAO.QueryDef, PM As DAO.Parameter
Dim fld As DAO.Field, I%, iSheets%
'set rs from sql, table or query
Set Z = CurrentDb
Set AQQ = Z.QueryDefs(strSql)
For Each PM In AQQ.Parameters
PM.Value = Eval(PM.Name)
Next PM
Set RS = AQQ.OpenRecordset(, dbOpenSnapshot)
'start Excel
Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'open workbook, error routine will create it if doesn't exist
'only create workbooks with 1 sheet
iSheets = objXLApp.SheetsInNewWorkbook 'save user's setting
objXLApp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1 'set for only 1 sheet
Set objXLWb = objXLApp.Workbooks.Open(strWorkBook)
objXLApp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = iSheets 'restore user's setting
'select a worksheet, if sheet doesn't exist
'the error routine will add it
If strWorkSheet = "" Then strWorkSheet = "Sheet1"
'If Range is missing default to A1
If strCellRef = "" Then strCellRef = "A1"
'select desired worksheet
Set objXLSheet = objXLWb.Worksheets(strWorkSheet)
objXLSheet.Range(SSS) = TTT
objXLSheet.Range(strCellRef).Clear 'Is "TheData"
objXLSheet.Range(strCellRef).CopyFromRecordset RS, 50000, 150
objXLWb.Save: objXLWb.Close
'DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'close up other rs objects
If Not RS Is Nothing Then RS.Close: Set RS = Nothing
If Not AQQ Is Nothing Then AQQ.Close: Set AQQ = Nothing
If Not Z Is Nothing Then Z.Close: Set Z = Nothing
Set objXLSheet = Nothing: Set objXLWb = Nothing
'quit Excel
If Not objXLApp Is Nothing Then objXLApp.Quit: Set objXLApp = Nothing
'DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub
Select Case Err
Case -2147417851 '"The server threw an exception"
' Caused when objXLSheet.Range(strCellRef).CopyFromRecordset RS
'Instead of objXLSheet.Range(strCellRef).CopyFromRecordset RS, 100, 2
Case 9 'Worksheet doesn't exist
Set objXLSheet = objXLWb.ActiveSheet
objXLSheet.Name = strWorkSheet
Resume Next
Case 1004 'Workbook doesn't exist, make it
Set objXLWb = objXLApp.ActiveWorkbook
objXLWb.SaveAs strWorkBook
Resume Next
Case Else
DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume '0
End Select
End Sub


excel is crap

leave your data in a database and fire all your spreadsheet dorks

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