here is the table and report requirement any one please help as im going to
face the exam on 10/02/08 13.00 hrs please .b'cse its my employment .
here is the table Employeename . text
employeeid . number
fromdate . date/ time format (dd/mm/yy),
todate . date/time format(dd/mm/yy)
duty lookup >( absent or present)
REPORT: Required in the manner is say for eg,in excel format
month in one column(a3) as jan,feb,march,april,..til december
date in top row(b2) that is 31 days like 01,02,03,04,...31
employee present or absent is required for individual day
for the perticular month and date right below the perticular day & aginest
i beg all my community friends to do best for me please
thanking you.
here is the table and report requirement any one please help as im going to
face the exam on 10/02/08 13.00 hrs please .b'cse its my employment .
here is the table Employeename . text
employeeid . number
fromdate . date/ time format (dd/mm/yy),
todate . date/time format(dd/mm/yy)
duty lookup >( absent or present)
REPORT: Required in the manner is say for eg,in excel format
month in one column(a3) as jan,feb,march,april,..til december
date in top row(b2) that is 31 days like 01,02,03,04,...31
employee present or absent is required for individual day
for the perticular month and date right below the perticular day & aginest
i beg all my community friends to do best for me please
thanking you.