crosstab query and dynamic report




Hope you can help me. I have a report that builds on a crosstab query that
shows employee number as row and course name as culomns and a expression (If
the employee has taken the course) as a value.

The problem is that when you add a new course to the query the report of
cause doesn't get updated with the added course because the dataset isn't
found in the report.
How can you generate a label that changes it's name into the new course that
has been added to the query and a dataset that again shows the corresponding
value for the added course? Hope you understand my problem. Can anyone help?



I've tried to follow your solution, but have a few problems. I can't get the
headings for the report to stand side-by side. They are listed underneath
each other like this.

Course 1
Course 2

I want them to be listed on a row like this Course 1 Course 2 and so on. I
can't figur out how you have done that. Any suggestions?


headings for the rapp

Duane Hookom

Is your headings subreport set to a multicolumn subreport that displays
across then down?


I think so. It is a subreport to a report and it is linked to an employee No.
The thing is that I haven't used the colunm alias and level as you use in
your exampel. Could this be a problem? Can't see how I can use this in my DB.

Duane Hookom

If you didn't use the column alias then I am not sure how your report works.
My entire solution was based on replacing column heading values with aliases.

I'm not sure why your data wouldn't work with this type of solution.

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