Hopefully someone can help and hopefully I am asking in the right place. I've
looked far and wide in the discussion groups and I cant seem to find the
answer im looking for. I basically want to run a crosstab query in code... I
have successfully run other querys in vba, I don't know what I am missing
with the crosstab. I have started a new db file to get to a bare bones
situation that still reflects the original file, see below.
Windows XP Pro/Access 2003
emp1 J1 1 1
emp1 J2 2 1
emp2 J1 3 1
emp2 J2 4 1
emp1 J1 5 2
Has a control Text0=1 for the Query1 to reference
Query1: (Select Type)
Add all fields from Table1 (EMP,JOB,HRS,QRYFILTER)
Criteria... QRYFILTER=[Forms]![Form1]![Text0]
Parameters Dialog... [Forms]![Form1]![Text0] as Long Integer (needed for
Query2 since its a crosstab query)
Query2: (Crosstab Type)
Add fields from Query1
EMP as Row Heading
JOB as Column Heading
HRS as Value (SUM)
Resulting SQL...
TRANSFORM Sum(Query1.hrs) AS SumOfhrs
SELECT Query1.emp
FROM Query1
GROUP BY Query1.emp
PIVOT Query1.job;
Trying to reproduce Query2 in VBA...
Form1/command button click event:
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
strSQL = "TRANSFORM Sum(Query1.hrs) AS SumOfhrs SELECT Query1.emp FROM
Query1 GROUP BY Query1.emp PIVOT Query1.job"
rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection <==Runtime Error
-2147217904(80040e10) No Value given for one or more required parameters
Set rs = Nothing
Sorry for the long post, but I am desperate. ANY help getting the vba
portion to run would be great. I am at a loss. Thank you in advance.
looked far and wide in the discussion groups and I cant seem to find the
answer im looking for. I basically want to run a crosstab query in code... I
have successfully run other querys in vba, I don't know what I am missing
with the crosstab. I have started a new db file to get to a bare bones
situation that still reflects the original file, see below.
Windows XP Pro/Access 2003
emp1 J1 1 1
emp1 J2 2 1
emp2 J1 3 1
emp2 J2 4 1
emp1 J1 5 2
Has a control Text0=1 for the Query1 to reference
Query1: (Select Type)
Add all fields from Table1 (EMP,JOB,HRS,QRYFILTER)
Criteria... QRYFILTER=[Forms]![Form1]![Text0]
Parameters Dialog... [Forms]![Form1]![Text0] as Long Integer (needed for
Query2 since its a crosstab query)
Query2: (Crosstab Type)
Add fields from Query1
EMP as Row Heading
JOB as Column Heading
HRS as Value (SUM)
Resulting SQL...
TRANSFORM Sum(Query1.hrs) AS SumOfhrs
SELECT Query1.emp
FROM Query1
GROUP BY Query1.emp
PIVOT Query1.job;
Trying to reproduce Query2 in VBA...
Form1/command button click event:
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
strSQL = "TRANSFORM Sum(Query1.hrs) AS SumOfhrs SELECT Query1.emp FROM
Query1 GROUP BY Query1.emp PIVOT Query1.job"
rs.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection <==Runtime Error
-2147217904(80040e10) No Value given for one or more required parameters
Set rs = Nothing
Sorry for the long post, but I am desperate. ANY help getting the vba
portion to run would be great. I am at a loss. Thank you in advance.