Mark M Simonian
This is SQL for the Query
TRANSFORM Count(tblMain.ID) AS CountOfID
SELECT tblMain.GroupName, tblMain.LastName, Sum(tblMain.Dues) AS [Total Of
FROM tblMain
WHERE (((tblMain.Association)="associate"))
GROUP BY tblMain.GroupName, tblMain.LastName, tblMain.Keenan
PIVOT tblMain.Dues;
Keenan is a date field for the date of last dues payment. I wanted the query
to show only the members who were one year over the last payment.
Mark M Simonian MD
5305 N Fresno St #105A
Fresno, CA 93710
(559) 221-7192
(e-mail address removed)
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TRANSFORM Count(tblMain.ID) AS CountOfID
SELECT tblMain.GroupName, tblMain.LastName, Sum(tblMain.Dues) AS [Total Of
FROM tblMain
WHERE (((tblMain.Association)="associate"))
GROUP BY tblMain.GroupName, tblMain.LastName, tblMain.Keenan
PIVOT tblMain.Dues;
Keenan is a date field for the date of last dues payment. I wanted the query
to show only the members who were one year over the last payment.
Mark M Simonian MD
5305 N Fresno St #105A
Fresno, CA 93710
(559) 221-7192
(e-mail address removed)
Alert: This email and any files transmitted with it
are intended solely for the use of the individual or
entity to whom they are addressed and may contain
confidential, patient health or other legally
privileged information. If you have received this
email in error please notify the sender by email,
delete and destroy this message and its attachments.
Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure,
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