crosstab query



I have a crosstab query that runs. It is based on employee time,
Employee 1/1/2007 1/2/2007 1/3/2007..........
Doe, John x x x
Doe, John hol exc sk bank
Doe, John wrk.......
Edge, Jim
Edge, Jim
Question is there a way to run the query and let it show Doe, John on the
first row and continue with his infor on each line until it reaches the next
emp and have that persons name one time and so. I would only like to see the
name once until the next name and then all his lines of infor then the


Open the report that uses this crosstab query in design view, click on the
Employee textbox, right-click and select Properties, set the Hide Duplicates
to Yes.


I do not have a report based on this query because it has parameters. I do
not know how to write code for a crosstab parameter query report. This is
why the query is working, I just wanted to hide the emp name after it
generated until the next name appeared.



I do not have a report based on this query because it has parameters.
What has parameters to do with building a report?

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