Maybe this WBScript will do the trick for you:
Dim view
Dim name
Dim size
name = "Tahoma"
size = 8
set view = PivotTable1.ActiveView
view.FieldLabelFont.Name = name
view.FieldLabelFont.Size = size
view.TotalFont.Name = name
view.TotalFont.Size = size
view.HeaderFont.Name = name
view.HeaderFont.Size = size
For Each ttl In view.FieldSets
For Each ttl2 In view.FieldSets(ttl).Fields
view.FieldSets(ttl).Fields(ttl2).DetailFont.Name = name
view.FieldSets(ttl).Fields(ttl2).DetailFont.Size = size
view.FieldSets(ttl).Fields(ttl2).SubtotalFont.Name = name
view.FieldSets(ttl).Fields(ttl2).SubtotalFont.Size = size
view.FieldSets(ttl).Fields(ttl2).GroupedFont.Name = name
view.FieldSets(ttl).Fields(ttl2).GroupedFont.Size = size
view.FieldSets(ttl).Fields(ttl2).SubtotalLabelFont.Name = name
view.FieldSets(ttl).Fields(ttl2).SubtotalLabelFont.Size = size
Regards Rolf
I'm not scared of scripting.
I just want to be able to specify in one place-- that the font should be
tahoma8, instead of arial 10.
it makes a big difference regarding how much information you can display in
one page.
i'd like to be able to write an XSL or CSS or something crazy that says 'if
you live in this pivot table; you should use Tahoma 8'
it's like-- OWC doesn't remember fonts and all that.. i know it's in the
mdx.. but as it is, i am forced to change the XMLDATA by going thru and
looking at each line
and when i hit one of these; i need to add these lines (unless they're
already present)
<x:GroupedFormat Style='font-family:Tahoma;font-size:8pt'/>
<x:SubtotalFormat Style='font-family:Tahoma;font-size:8pt'/>
obviously im scripting this the wrong way-- can someone point me in the
right direction?
Alvin Bruney said:
you would need client-side script for this or attach a behavior to the
activeX object (basically boils down to scripting anyway)
Alvin Bruney
Got tidbits? Get it here...
i want to use a CSS in order to make all fields have the same font--
basically; i want to use Tahoma 8 instead of the default Arial 10-- on
pivotList anywhere.
Is it possible to do this via CSS?
Or do i have to do this clientside?