CSS file?

  • Thread starter George W. Barrowcliff
  • Start date

George W. Barrowcliff

Where is the CSS information stored for an active web site? I would like to
take the current one, modify it some and use it.


Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]

It could be anywhere. I store mine in a folder called 'css' or 'styles'. Do
a View > Source on the page in question and look for a line in the <head>
that starts with <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="styles/font.css"> - the href should tell you where the CSS for that
page is.


~ Kathleen Anderson
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Spider Web Woman Designs
web: http://www.spiderwebwoman.com/resources/
Please reply to the newsgroup for the benefit of others.


CSS is stored in the <head> section of each page, in the HTML tags
(example <p style=border:none;"> or in external CSS file (or files) or
any combination of the three.
Each external file will be referred to in each page using a tag similar
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/styles.css" />

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