CSS Style Sheets Help Needed


David Roberts

Hi Guys

I am using FP 2003 - I have a page where I have a separate CSS file it pulls
its style from and it is working fine. However, I have a couple of links in
the main body of the page that I want to have the style as different to the
CSS file. I know I can do it via "inline styles" so it will override the CSS
file at that point only, but I can't figure out the syntax for it.

I want to change the "A: LINK" style info in one sentence to override the
CSS link setting.

Alternatively, I have a separate TOP and BOTTOM border for my site that I
pull in via the INCLUDE PAGE facility. I can select a different CSS file for
these borders pages but the CSS in the pages that they are pulled into
overrides the borders CSS file. Is it possible to have a separate CSS file
for the borders pages that the PAGE CSS file doesn't override?


Thomas A. Rowe

On #2, you have to apply the links to the external CSS file in the main document, not pages that are
being included.

FP Includes and Shared Borders only include content the is between the <body> ...content to be
included...</body> tags of the pages to be included.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Wally S

For the different kinds of links, you could create new classes on your CSS
style sheet and apply them to the links.

If you have a separate style sheet for the border page, then when you
include the border page in another page, the second page should also have
that style sheet attached (you can attach more than one style sheet to a
page). That way, the included borders should keep their style.
Alternatively, and this works for me, you could put all the styles on one
style sheet. That way, for sure, your included elements will retain the
styles that have been applied to them. I use this feature.

Wally S

Wally S

One more thing: If you are attaching two style sheets to a page, make sure
that the two sheets do not have classes with the same names.

Wally S

Stefan B Rusynko

Create a pseudo class for your unique links and shared border links and apply that class to those links

Create a style for the main pages for the other links

a.white {color: white; text-decoration: none}
a.white:link {color: white; text-decoration: none}
a.white:visited {color: white; text-decoration: none}
a.white:hover {color: white; text-decoration: underline}
a.white:active {color: white; text-decoration: none}

And apply the class to the links
<a href="yourlink.htm" class="white">

| Hi Guys
| I am using FP 2003 - I have a page where I have a separate CSS file it pulls
| its style from and it is working fine. However, I have a couple of links in
| the main body of the page that I want to have the style as different to the
| CSS file. I know I can do it via "inline styles" so it will override the CSS
| file at that point only, but I can't figure out the syntax for it.
| I want to change the "A: LINK" style info in one sentence to override the
| CSS link setting.
| Alternatively, I have a separate TOP and BOTTOM border for my site that I
| pull in via the INCLUDE PAGE facility. I can select a different CSS file for
| these borders pages but the CSS in the pages that they are pulled into
| overrides the borders CSS file. Is it possible to have a separate CSS file
| for the borders pages that the PAGE CSS file doesn't override?
| Thanks

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