CSV file date format




(MS EXCEL 2002, Windows XP)

One of our users has a CSV file, with a date column. The date format in this
column is American, and needs to be in UK style format. We try highlighting
the column and selecting the correct format, but it makes no difference.

When a new date is added in British format, it is okay until the file is
saved, it then reverts to US.

Is there anyway to firstly change all the dates to UK format, and secondly
have them remain this way when the file is saved?



Dave Peterson

You can specify the date order (mdy or dmy or whatever), if you rename the .csv
file to .txt.

Then when you use File|Open, you'll get the text to columns wizard where you can
specify what you want.

Another option (untested) is to use an unambiguous date format: dd-mmmm-yyyy

As long as you're dealing with an English language user, I would guess that it
would work.

Another option--just save as a normal .xls file and share that????


Thanks mate, just need to know now how to prevent the dates being converted
back into US format when we save the file as a CSV.



Dave Peterson

You could fiddle with the user's regional settings--so that they match the
data. Then let them format the dates the way they want.

If you find a better way, please post back.

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