csv-file problems with different regions



I have imported an American csv-file into a German Excel XP. The American
$-values are separated by a "." while the German currency values are
separated by a ",".
So now my spreadsheet reads a value of $ 18.01 as 18. January. All values
above 18.12 are ok.
How can I avoid this problem? Or, can I change the values tediously one cell
after the other? I have not found a way yet as even when I try to format a
cell user defined it automatically changes to the format used in the German

Peo Sjoblom

Temporarily change the regional settings on your computer to the same format
(start>control panel) as US,
then when you have opened the csv file, save it as an xls file. Close excel
and change the settings back to German and open the same file.. Voila!

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