CSVDATA after autofilter



I am trying to save the contents of an AxSpreadsheet. I am using the
spreadsheet's CSVDATA string. However, if the user autofilters the
spreadsheet, CSVDATA only contains the filtered data. How can I save all of
the data in the spreasheet and not just the filtered data.


Is there no way to access the entire dataset? The spreadsheet has a
reference to it because if you turn off the autofilter, the entire dataset is
returned. I need the filter functionality because i am using the spreadsheet
to allow edits to a large list of data but the edits might only need to be
applied to a small subset. However, if the user does not turn off the
autofilter, only the subset is saved which is not acceptable. I was able to
provide the functionality I needed with a DataGrid but I went through the
process of converting all of my DataGrids to AxSpreadSheets so the users
could cut and past ranges of data from existing excel spreadsheets into the
AxSpreadSheet which is not possible with a DataGrid. I guess I could always
create a shadow list with the entire dataset and fill in the missing records
but this seems like it should be unnecessary.


I figured out what I need to do. Right before I read the CSVDATA I set the
spreadsheet.ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = false.

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