ctrl + arrow doensn't work all that good in office 2007




I use the keyboard ctrl + arrow to jump between words all the time. Now
after installing Office 2007, this command doesn't work half of the time. The
cursor doesn't move at all if I don't move the cursor one step in any
direction first. After doing that, I can hold down ctrl and just between
words again.

I know this is a problem that is not all that important compared to famine
and war, but still I am hoping that someone could help me resolve it.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Grismun,

In Word 2007 using Ctrl+right arow with a U.S. keyboard does jump to the start of the next word.

You may want to check the keyboard repeat rate and your graphics card acceleration settings in the Windows control panel ('maximum'
is not always the fastest setting) as well as checking for new graphics card drivers for your computer.


I use the keyboard ctrl + arrow to jump between words all the time. Now
after installing Office 2007, this command doesn't work half of the time. The
cursor doesn't move at all if I don't move the cursor one step in any
direction first. After doing that, I can hold down ctrl and just between
words again.

I know this is a problem that is not all that important compared to famine
and war, but still I am hoping that someone could help me resolve it. >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


Bob, many thanks for the reply.
I am well aware that the shortcut is correct. It just seems that something,
such as spell checks or whatever, gets in the way for my keyboard command. I
am typing away like crazy and then in the midst of typing I press ctlr+arrow
and nothing happens. I press escape or an arrow which seems to unblock
whatever is blocking and after that ctrl+arrow works again.

I don't think this has to do with graphics card acceleration or keyboard
repeat rate since all programs except Office 2007 work fine when doing this.

In any case, I have to say that Office 2007 well exceeds my expectations and
if you don't want to spend more time on this petty issue, I fully understand.
Should you however feel like spending another minute to help me resolve this,
I would be very grateful.


/John, Stockholm

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