Ctrl + C gives delete menu instead of copy



When I press "Ctrl + C" the delete menu pops up, instead of copying the
contens of the cell. Why??? In fact "Ctrl + any letter key" does this. How do
I turn this on/of

Chip Pearson

That is certainly not the way things are supposed to work. My first
guess is that there is an add-in or other workbook open that is
hijacking the keys. Does this problem manifest itself only with a
particular workbook or does it occur with all workbooks?

In Excel, go to the Tools menu, choose Add-Ins and see what add-ins
are loaded (they will be checked in the dialog list). Try un checking
each item and see if the problem persists.

If it does continue, close Excel and then re-open Excel while holding
down the SHIFT key. See if that cures the problem.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP
Excel Product Group
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)

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