CTRL-click does not work with printserver shape


patrick goovaerts


When I save my Visiodoc as HTML, i can see all properties in the browser
using 'CTRL-click'. It works for all shapes (webserver, fileserver,
server,...), but not for the shape 'printserver'.

any idea?

I also tried to save the html with GIF iso VML graphics but with same

Chris Roth [Visio MVP]

Hi Patrick,

Which version of Visio are you using? I just tested those shapes in
Visio 2007, and they work for me.

You are talking about the Network shapes in the Servers stencil, right?

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

Visio Guy: Smart Graphics for Visual People

David Parker

Perhaps the shape is being accidently obscured by a boundary shape of some

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