CTRL+PAGE UP/DOWN isn't working. Any advice?



Any advice? CTRL+PAGE UP and CTRL+PAGE DOWN don’t move me from on
worksheet to another on my computer. I’ve searched the ExcelTip.co
forums for solutions already given for this problem and haven’t found
solution that works on my machine yet.

I’ve tried using:
-Tools, Options, Transition(tab), turn off Transition shortcut keys: M
transition shortcut keys are turned off.
-Scroll Lock is off.

I’m using:
-Excel 2002 for Office XP
-WindowsXP Professional platform
-Dell Inspiron 8100 (which is about 2.5 years old)

I welcome all suggestions.


Ron de Bruin

Hi tettrick

If you start Excel in Safe mode do you have the same problem then?

Close Excel if it is open

Type Excel.exe /Safe


Hi Ron,

Thanks for your reply. I've just followed your instructions to ru
Excel in Safe Mode and still couldn't use the keyboard to change sheet
within a workbook.

If you have other suggestions, I'll try them gladly.


Ron de Bruin

If you have other suggestions, I'll try them gladly
I never hear of this but try this :

My first step will be register Excel again to see if this fix it

Close Excel first and
On the Windows Taskbar

1 ) Start>Run "excel.exe /unregserver"(no quotes)>OK.
2) Start>Run "excel.exe /regserver"(no quotes)>OK.
See the space between exe and /regserver

You might have to designate a full path to excel.exe.
In that case Start>Run "C:\yourpath\excel.exe /regserver"(no quotes)>OK.

Then my next step will be this one

Try to rename your .xlb file

maybe you have a corrupt or bloated xlb file
*normal* size is < 30 kb.
The .xlb file has all Toolbar customization in it.

Close Excel
Do a search for .xlb in windows
Rename the file you find (mine is named Excel10.xlb in 2002)
Start Excel

Deleting the file or renaming will do no harm on your system
Excel will create a new one for you.
(You lost your customization remember that)

If you make your own toolbars or add buttons to the others
This file is important (backup it so you can restore it)

Dave Peterson

Inspiron's are laptops, right?

Maybe it's not excel. Maybe it's the laptop?

I've never used an Inspiron, but maybe there's a keyboard problem (stuck??)

Or if it's a programmable keyboard, maybe someone programmed it differently--do
you have a pet cat <vbg>?

(or maybe one of those fn (function) keys got stuck.)


Ron & Dave,

Thank you both for your suggestions. I'm sorry to report to you tha
so far, no success.

I tried running: excel.exe /unregserver

And I tried renaming then removing "Excel10.xlb" from th
"...application data\microsoft\excel" directory. (My "Excel10.xlb" i
a 10kb file.)

I don't think that stuck keys are the problem because the CTRL an
PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN keys work for separately for other functions i
other programs.

I'll check Dell's user forums too incase it's a Dell or Inspiro
keyboard thing instead of a Microsoft or Excel thing, but I hope yo
and others will continue to make suggestions. I'm looking forward t
the added convenience of this feature!

Many thanks,

Dave Peterson

I don't have any other guesses. (If it didn't work when you started excel in
safe mode, then it's not a macro--which was my initial guess, too.)


Ron & Dave,

Thanks very much for your time & ideas. I appreciate them very much.



I have a dell keyboard also and it doesn't work on mine either, common
denominator here?


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