Ctrl+V vs. Paste Special (as formatted text)



I've thought 'Ctrl+V' and Edit>Paste Special (as formatted text (RTF))
would produce the same result but it seems it is not so.

The margins in my Normal.dot are all set to 1.5 cm. Sometimes when I
paste some text (ie. an article from Microplanet Gravity) using Ctrl+V
shortcut, all margins in Word change to 2.5 cm.

When I use Edit>Paste Special (as formatted text (RTF)), the margins
remain as they were (1.5 cm).

Here's what I would like to know:

1. What is the difference between the 'Ctrl+V' and Paste Special (as
formatted text (RTF))?

2. Is it OK to assume that Gravity puts some additional formating on
the clipboard (margins). (I wouldn't say so)

3. How could I explore all informations stored on the clipboard by the
category (font, size, style, color, ...) - is there any handy SW?

Thank you,

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