cube building process was failed MSp server 2003


Nitesh Mathur

We are facing problem regarding build of OLAP cube , after every 4-5 days the
cube building process was failed or it’s shows in process ; as we already
schedule it at 12:00 O’ clock every morning, but it’s shows status “The cube
building process was initiated on 10/5/2007 at 12:00 AM †and still showing
this message till we are not restarted the services of servers.
generally this exercise successfuly cube building process but this time we
already restart our server services and manually build the cube but problem
is still remians.
As we do manually process the cube by Analysis Manager and its successful
but when we manually build the cube its shows “The cube building process was
initiated on 10/6/2007 at 10.45 AM â€.

Please help me.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


The most common cause for this is that the system identity you're using for
COM+ has become disabled or the password expired. Check the health of your
OLAP Admin account and try running COM+ tool to re-establish the identity.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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Nitesh Mathur

Mr Gary

My Problem is resolved now ,the error was occur because of to activity
updating same time ( OLAP Cube & Syncronize system) . Now I have schedule
both the utility for a different - different time.

By the way thanx for your advice.

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