CubeSet Excel 2010 Question



Hello all,

At long last my company has decided to upgrade from 2000 to 2010. Now
that I have a program written in the last 10 years I can start to look
at some advanced features. Forgive me if I do not use the right terms

I have a data cube from SQL server. I have built a pivot table on
this and turned my table into formulas.

What I need to do is allow users to build custom lists on a sheet
(they may need more than one list) and have this custom list passed
into the Cubeset.

What I have now in my field list =Cubeset("Server",,"{[Dim Store].
[Dim Store].&[1234], [Dim Store].[Dim Store].&[2345]}","(MyName)")

What i need is for users to type different store numbers in a sheet
and have that range passed through to the cube.

Is there no way to say [Dim Store].[Dim Store].& [A12:A15]

Any ideas or help would be great. I have spent several days poking
around looking for this. Maybe I am using the wrong search terms.

Thanks in advance


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