Another help required from the same excel sheet, my sheet goes in the month
format upto "n" (example current month Mar-07), then how to pick up the
values in the financial year (Apr-Mar is a year). The formula
(=SUMPRODUCT(($A$3:$A$5=N3)*($B$1:$I$1<=N1)*(B2:I2=N2)*($B$3:$I$5))) what i
am using advised by our experts (is caliculating apr 05-mar 07 instead of apr
06-mar 07.
Excuse me if i have not given the scenario exactly.
Thanks to "Toppers", who really helped me in this issue.
Another help required from the same excel sheet, my sheet goes in the month
format upto "n" (example current month Mar-07), then how to pick up the
values in the financial year (Apr-Mar is a year). The formula
(=SUMPRODUCT(($A$3:$A$5=N3)*($B$1:$I$1<=N1)*(B2:I2=N2)*($B$3:$I$5))) what i
am using advised by our experts (is caliculating apr 05-mar 07 instead of apr
06-mar 07.
Excuse me if i have not given the scenario exactly.
Thanks to "Toppers", who really helped me in this issue.