Cumulative Work in a column



1. I want to display Cumulative Work in a column like Baseline Work in the left part of the project view, not in the timephased portion of the sheet. Is it possible? I can't find this value in the list of available columns to insert. Is it possible to customize a field that displays this value; which formulas can I use
2. Is there a value for "cumulative baseline work" ("planned budget usage")

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Thomas,

Do you mean Cumulative Work at the finish date : so use the Work field :
Insert / Column...
For "cumulative baseline work", I guess that you want this value for a
specific date, may be the Status date that you enter in Project / Project
information. The field to display will be the BCWS : Budgeted Cost of Work
Scheduled (see more information in the Help)
NB : all that implies that you recorded the baseline : Tools / Tracking /
Save baseline...
While you are looking at BCWS, look also at BCWP and ACWP. Very interesting

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret

Thomas said:
1. I want to display Cumulative Work in a column like Baseline Work in the
left part of the project view, not in the timephased portion of the sheet.
Is it possible? I can't find this value in the list of available columns to
insert. Is it possible to customize a field that displays this value; which
formulas can I use?
2. Is there a value for "cumulative baseline work" ("planned budget

Gérard Ducouret


You can set the cost rate to 1 in the Resource Sheet : View / Resource Sheet
/ Stad rate = 1

Gérard Ducouret

Thomas said:
Thank you for the response :)

I don't mean at the finish date. I would like it for "todays date" or the
"status date". But BCWS gives the cost, I need the hours - I want to know
how many hours a task is planned to burn/earn up till todays date (planned
earned hours). I can perhaps set cost rate to 1,- but it is not really good
(and where do I do that)

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