How would I enter a forumla to provide a cumulitive total column yet still be
able to sort data in a variety of ways. I already apply filters, but
sometimes I need to sort the entire worksheet in a variety of ways
My worksheet captures projects that need funding.
A = funding status
B = Office
C = project title
D = Priority
E = Amt
F = Cumualitve total
Sometimes I need the data sorted by Office, sometimes by Priority, and
sometimes by status. Yet whenever I change the sort, i lose the cumulative
I know this sounds greedy, but should answers be provided I would also
appreciate brief explanation of why it will work this way. If I understand
the answer, I'm better able to remember it
able to sort data in a variety of ways. I already apply filters, but
sometimes I need to sort the entire worksheet in a variety of ways
My worksheet captures projects that need funding.
A = funding status
B = Office
C = project title
D = Priority
E = Amt
F = Cumualitve total
Sometimes I need the data sorted by Office, sometimes by Priority, and
sometimes by status. Yet whenever I change the sort, i lose the cumulative
I know this sounds greedy, but should answers be provided I would also
appreciate brief explanation of why it will work this way. If I understand
the answer, I'm better able to remember it