Curious Problem......... helped before



Hi folks, and hi to all who have helped me each time I drop into this
group with a query.
(cant find a 'word-general' newsgroup on this server)

I want to know if I can reproduce what 'word' does when it makes a date
or similar.
I'll elaborate;
Say for instance you are typing in a month, (april or whatever), word then
places the 'date' in ' half-word-size' for you, and usually at the top of
month typed in.
How can I get this to happen manually??
Similary, if I wanted to write a 'fraction', something like:::::::::
'one over one zillionth' (1/1,000,000,000,000), how do I manually get 'word'
to do it in the same tiny form as what it does when it autocompletes
a date?

Hope one of you can follow what I'm saying.



ta shauna kelly,
unfortunately you didnt understand my question, hence your
answer doesnt help....
I'll wait a while.

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