Curious problem in Entourage



This is my first posting on these Forums. Having taken at look at othe
threads, I figure that this is the right place to post my question.

I have been using Entourage 2001 under OS 9.2.2 for a number of years
but I have come across a very curious issue which only happens on on
of our machines. Here it is:

Among mails that are archived, I have some sent by myself to customer
with an Excel file in attachment. If I try to open such an attachment
either by dragging it to the Desktop, by using the save function or b
double-clicking on it, it either appears as a Netscape text file or i
opens Netscape which in turn opens Excel, where the file opens a
nothing close to the expected spreadsheet. Instead I get a whole bunc
of garbage that looks like the contents of a binary file. The sam
thing happens if, using Snitch, I change the file Type and Creator fro
Netscape to Excel.

Now, the first curious thing is that this does not happen on anothe
machine where I run the same version of Entourage and have an exac
copy of the Messages and Database files (made after I found about thi
problem on machine nr 1). The attachment opens normally. The secon
thing is that if I mail the whole message from the machine where th
problem occurs to the machine where it doesn't, the Excel file als
opens normally. Thus, it seems that no file corruption involved. Bu
what is even more maddening, is that if I drag the whole message fro
Entourage to the Desktop and double-click on it, causing it to ope
again as an independent message in the program, then the attachmen
opens normally!

I have tried to look into about everything I could think of as bein
different set-ups between the two machines, especially the File Helpe
settings in Explorer, in the Internet CP and in InternetConfig, but t
no avail. Actually, Explorer is my default browser -*I only us
Netscape when IE acts funny*- and above all I cannot find any plac
where anything would cause a file to get "tagged" with an NS Type an
Creator. I have also tried to rebuild the desktop, no difference.

Any good guess, anyone?


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