Currency change



I have a financial spreadsheet in which I have built macros for local data
versions .. when you click on a flag of the country, it goes through the
spreadsheet, updates some base data, changes to local currency format.

So, when I click on the German flag, it changes the contents and the
currency format ( to Euros). When I click on the US flag it switches the
content back and changes to US $.

A user downloaded the file in the UK. When he clicked on the German flag it
did exactly as described above, but when he clicked on the US flag, the
currency instead of changing back to US $ changed to UK pounds?

Any idea what is happening?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions on how to fix.


Being in Britain, his regional settings is set to British pounds, not
Dollars. When you click on US, your sheet actually reverts to your regional
settings currency.


Thanks .. that explains what is happening. Is there anyway I can force it
back to US dollars regardless of the regional setting?

Appreciate your getting back as quickly as you did!


Select US Dollars exactly like you select Euros for Germany! Iow, just check
out your coding linked to the German flag, and do the same for US Dollars,
or British pounds etc.

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