Currency Conversion in MS Excel 2008



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Intel

I need to convert a number of different currencies in MS Excel 2008 (£, US$, AU$, ¥, etc.) I was using an external data lookup to convert from one currency to another, which would automatically update the exchange rates when the spread sheet was opened. The external data table has changed which has caused problems so need a more reliable solution.

I've search the net for an alternative solution and found a number of currency conversion add-ins eg. 'Exchange Rates for Excel', but cannot find anything that is compatible with Mac MS Excel 2008.


Any help would be appreciated.


JE McGimpsey

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Intel

I need to convert a number of different currencies in MS Excel 2008 (£, US$,
AU$, ¥, etc.) I was using an external data lookup to convert from one
currency to another, which would automatically update the exchange rates when
the spread sheet was opened. The external data table has changed which has
caused problems so need a more reliable solution.

I've search the net for an alternative solution and found a number of
currency conversion add-ins eg. 'Exchange Rates for Excel', but cannot find
anything that is compatible with Mac MS Excel 2008.


You won't find any add-ins compatible with XL08, since XL08 doesn't
support add-ins.

AFAIK, the easiest way (which you may have been using - it's hard to
tell from your problem statement) is to use Data/Get External Data/Run
Saved Query, choosing the 'MSN MoneyCentral Currencies' query (or
writing a text file for another similar site.

Read the data into another sheet (which can be hidden later). With a
cell in the table selected, click the Data Range Properties button on
the External Data toolbar, and check the Refresh Data on file open

If the problem is that the table fetched from MSN changes (i.e.,
currencies being added or removed), you might get more stability using a
Lookup, e.g., instead of referencing



=VLOOKUP("Japanese Yen to US Dollar", Currencies!$A:$B, 2, FALSE)

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