Currency dropdown list in Tools/Options/View tab causing malfuncti



When I go to the Tools/Options/View tab, the default Symbol is the dollar
sign but the Currency drop-down list is blank. I have no need to change from
US$ but shouldn't there be various currencies listed there? The field remains
highlighted even though I have no need to change currencies.

At that point I am not allowed to hit OK, so I must Cancel out of the entire
Tools/Options dialog box. Also, I am not allowed to move to any other tabs in
the Tools/Options dialog box. I keep being forced back to the blank Currency
field on the View tab -- as if it insists for an answer there even though
there are no choices listed.

Please help me as I am not being allowed to change ANY preferences at
Tools/Options and Apply them.


Hello Steve1A,

I assume you are using Project 2007 as the currency choice in
earlier releases does not have a drop down. First to check -- do
have the latest Service Pack installed -- SP-2? If not, please
update to SP-2. Secondly, I presume you have activated your
installation? Check Help > Activate Product.

On my installation (activated with SP-2 installed, US English), I do
see quite a list of other currency choices in the Tools > Options,
View tab, so much assumption is there is something amiss with your
installation. Check for SP-2 and activation and let us know.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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I am using Project 2007. I activated Project after reinstallation. So, when I
click on "Activate Product", I get the message that Project has already been
activated. I have also run Project setup and run a Repair installation just
in case something was corrupted during the original installation. Still no
change in the problem described.

Regarding service packs, I installed SP 2 for Microsoft Project 2007, along
with SP2 for MS Office Suite. They are listed among Add/Remove Programs in
the Control Panel, so I assume they "stuck."(SP2 & SP3 for Windows XP have
also been installed.) All were installed immediately upon release because I
am signed up for automatic Windows/MS updates, and I am pretty careful about
staying up-to-date with this stuff.


Hi Steve,

Thanks for the detailed reply -- it really does help. I've double
checked my installation through the control panel and I don't see
anything installed to Project that is out of the ordinary -- I have
the rest of the Office 2007 \suite (Access, Outlook, Excel, Word,
PPT installed) but I can't imagine that has any bearing. I do have
"Language setting tools" listed as installed under "Office Tools"
and the brief help says "sets language options for all Office
programs". It's possible that has bearing

It sounds as though you've already done an uninstall and reinstall
as well as a detect and repair. Did you uninstall due to this issue
or another issue?


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