Currency format and decimal places

  • Thread starter gmazza via
  • Start date

gmazza via

Hi there,
I put 2 decimals in under decimal places in my table and yet I can enter as
many as I want and it rounds it off. I just want the user to be able to enter
2, thats all. Can I do this?

Also, can I have an Input mask with a currency, like space space comma space
Like a postal code or date?

Thanks for your help!

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

An Input Mask like:


will allow only 2 decimal inputs and a maximum amount of:


and a minimum of:


Is that what you are looking for?

John W. Vinson

Hi there,
I put 2 decimals in under decimal places in my table and yet I can enter as
many as I want and it rounds it off. I just want the user to be able to enter
2, thats all. Can I do this?

My guess is that the Datatype (not the format or the Decimal Places property,
which merely control the display) is the default Number datatype: Long
Integer. An Integer is by definition a whole number and it will round.

If you use a Currency datatype (rather than any sort of Number; it's one of
the choices like Text, Date/Time, Yes/No etc.) you'll get up to four decimal
Also, can I have an Input mask with a currency, like space space comma space
Like a postal code or date?

Sure. Probably a bad idea, for Currency data a mask will just make more work
for the users entering data. If you insist, you can use a Format property of
"Currency" or "#,##0.00#" and an Input Mask of "999,999.99".

gmazza via

Thanks guys, thats exactly what I want, works great!!
An Input Mask like:


will allow only 2 decimal inputs and a maximum amount of:


and a minimum of:


Is that what you are looking for?
Hi there,
I put 2 decimals in under decimal places in my table and yet I can enter
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
Thanks for your help!

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