Currency Symbol does not appear in Combo Box




Access 2003
This is re: a post on 4/2/08 btw Dominic Vella and Wayne-I-M. I didn't get a
response from my reply within their posts so I'm posting a new question.

I have the same problem where the currency symbol for my dollar amounts does
not appear in my combo box drop down list. It appears in the box when I
select it but not while in the drop down list.

Wayne's soln. was to go to the properties of the combo box and put this in
the Row Source:
SELECT CCur([TableName]![Price]*[TableName]![Markup]) AS SaleCost
FROM TableName;

My Row Source currently looks like this (I don't have all the fields Dominic
does--my form is called "Pricing"):
SELECT Pricing.Price, Pricing.Description FROM Pricing ORDER BY

I tried to put "CCur" after "SELECT" but nothing happened. Can someone help?

Thank you.

Dirk Goldgar

Studebaker said:

Access 2003
This is re: a post on 4/2/08 btw Dominic Vella and Wayne-I-M. I didn't get
response from my reply within their posts so I'm posting a new question.

I have the same problem where the currency symbol for my dollar amounts
not appear in my combo box drop down list. It appears in the box when I
select it but not while in the drop down list.

Wayne's soln. was to go to the properties of the combo box and put this in
the Row Source:
SELECT CCur([TableName]![Price]*[TableName]![Markup]) AS SaleCost
FROM TableName;

My Row Source currently looks like this (I don't have all the fields
does--my form is called "Pricing"):
SELECT Pricing.Price, Pricing.Description FROM Pricing ORDER BY

I tried to put "CCur" after "SELECT" but nothing happened. Can someone

Please check in the design of table Pricing and make sure that the *Data
Type* -- not just the Format property -- of the Price field is Currency.

Larry Linson

In your row source Query include the Field you want to store, as usual, but
with a column width of zero, but use it as the Bound Column, and add a field
with Fmtd: Format([Price],"Currency") with a column width wide enough to
show it, then the field for description. By the way, "Description" is an
Access reserved word and, thus, not good to use as a field name. The name of
the calculated column is immaterial as it is only displayed for selecting,
not used anywhere else.

Formatting is not applied in displaying the selection list, so you have to
create the text output from the format ahead of time (in the query itself).

Interestingly, in my 15 years of using Access, I've had relatively few cases
of currency in a combo box, had never used this trick, and had never had a
complaint from a user about the unformatted price. But, there are always
learning opportunities, and I'll use it next time! Thanks for the learning
opportunity (or at least a reminder that the formatted currency value is
more obvious than just the number).

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP


Dirk wrote:
"Please check in the design of table Pricing and make sure that the *Data
Type* -- not just the Format property -- of the Price field is Currency."

Hello Dirk,

I tried what you said and unfortunately it didn't work. I did forget to set
the format property to currency, though.

Thank you for your input, though.

Dirk Goldgar said:
Studebaker said:

Access 2003
This is re: a post on 4/2/08 btw Dominic Vella and Wayne-I-M. I didn't get
response from my reply within their posts so I'm posting a new question.

I have the same problem where the currency symbol for my dollar amounts
not appear in my combo box drop down list. It appears in the box when I
select it but not while in the drop down list.

Wayne's soln. was to go to the properties of the combo box and put this in
the Row Source:
SELECT CCur([TableName]![Price]*[TableName]![Markup]) AS SaleCost
FROM TableName;

My Row Source currently looks like this (I don't have all the fields
does--my form is called "Pricing"):
SELECT Pricing.Price, Pricing.Description FROM Pricing ORDER BY

I tried to put "CCur" after "SELECT" but nothing happened. Can someone

Please check in the design of table Pricing and make sure that the *Data
Type* -- not just the Format property -- of the Price field is Currency.

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

(please reply to the newsgroup)


Hello Larry,

Can you explain something:
"In your row source Query include the Field you want to store, as usual,"

My Row Source says this so I got that part:
SELECT Pricing.Price, Pricing.Description FROM Pricing ORDER BY

"but with a column width of zero"

I can't make it column width zero b/c it makes the combo box not show
anything. I have two columns so I put 0.00";0.00"

"and add a field with Fmtd: Format([Price],"Currency") with a column width
wide enough to show it, then the field for description."

This is where I get lost. I'm just learning this stuff so do I add the field
to the form and, if so, under what property do I put Fmtd:
Also, I have the column count be "2" and then adjust the column wideth wide
enough to show the values in the drop down box, right?

Can you clarify?

Thank you very much for your help.

John W. Vinson

Hello Larry,

Can you explain something:
"In your row source Query include the Field you want to store, as usual,"

My Row Source says this so I got that part:
SELECT Pricing.Price, Pricing.Description FROM Pricing ORDER BY

"but with a column width of zero"

I can't make it column width zero b/c it makes the combo box not show
anything. I have two columns so I put 0.00";0.00"

"and add a field with Fmtd: Format([Price],"Currency") with a column width
wide enough to show it, then the field for description."

This is where I get lost. I'm just learning this stuff so do I add the field
to the form and, if so, under what property do I put Fmtd:
Also, I have the column count be "2" and then adjust the column wideth wide
enough to show the values in the drop down box, right?

Can you clarify?

PMFJI but what Larry was suggesting is to change the Rowsource query to

SELECT Pricing.Price, Format([Pricing].[Price], "Currency") AS ShowPrice,
Pricing.Description FROM Pricing ORDER BY Pricing.Price;

You'll also need to change the ColumnCount from 2 to 3, and change the
ColumnWidths to show three numbers - e.g.


to conceal the unformatted number (10.5 say); display the same value formatted
as currency ($10.50); and display the description only when the combo is
dropped down, in the third column.


Thank you very much!!! I haven't tried it out yet but I understand what he
was saying now.

I appreciate you stepping in to help!!

John W. Vinson said:
Hello Larry,

Can you explain something:
"In your row source Query include the Field you want to store, as usual,"

My Row Source says this so I got that part:
SELECT Pricing.Price, Pricing.Description FROM Pricing ORDER BY

"but with a column width of zero"

I can't make it column width zero b/c it makes the combo box not show
anything. I have two columns so I put 0.00";0.00"

"and add a field with Fmtd: Format([Price],"Currency") with a column width
wide enough to show it, then the field for description."

This is where I get lost. I'm just learning this stuff so do I add the field
to the form and, if so, under what property do I put Fmtd:
Also, I have the column count be "2" and then adjust the column wideth wide
enough to show the values in the drop down box, right?

Can you clarify?

PMFJI but what Larry was suggesting is to change the Rowsource query to

SELECT Pricing.Price, Format([Pricing].[Price], "Currency") AS ShowPrice,
Pricing.Description FROM Pricing ORDER BY Pricing.Price;

You'll also need to change the ColumnCount from 2 to 3, and change the
ColumnWidths to show three numbers - e.g.


to conceal the unformatted number (10.5 say); display the same value formatted
as currency ($10.50); and display the description only when the combo is
dropped down, in the third column.

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