Current record to report and print



I am trying to send the current record(form1) to (report1) and get it to
I have things on the report that are not in the form1 mostly I get the form1
to print but not the rest of report1 or all the reports print (the whole
table). Ijust want to print 1 at a time. I would like to do it with a
cmdbutton if possible.
I'm new at this and don't understand a lot of it.
Thanks for any help


dogbite said:
I am trying to send the current record(form1) to (report1) and get it to
I have things on the report that are not in the form1 mostly I get the form1
to print but not the rest of report1 or all the reports print (the whole
table). Ijust want to print 1 at a time. I would like to do it with a
cmdbutton if possible.
I'm new at this and don't understand a lot of it.
Thanks for any help

If you're doing this from an open form, then it's pretty easy. If you
look at the OpenReport command, one of the arguments is a filter (a
valid WHERE clause, minus the word "WHERE"). Assuming you have a
textbox control on your form called txtSomeID that you wanted to print,
then you could do this:

The wizard will do 90 percent of this for you...

Private Sub cmdPreviewFilteredReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPreviewFilteredReport_Click

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Catalog"

'---the only part it leaves out is the filter at the end (all the stuff
to the right of "acPreview"
'---Me.cboProduct is a combobox on the same form as the button...

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , "[ProductName]='" &
Me.cboProduct & "'"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdPreviewFilteredReport_Click

End Sub

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